As many people are enjoying their weekend off and spending time running errands and catching up with every day life from a busy week, I want to encourage you to remember the simple things as well. 

Remember the importance of spending some quality time with those you love. 

“Love your family. Spend time, be kind & serve one another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not promised & today is short.”


I love this moment my daughter captured last night at a football game we attended. 

For those who follow my blog, you know the chronic illness and migraines my daughter struggles with on a day basis, so I have learned to truly appreciate the simple things we can share together.

I try very hard to not take time with her for granted, because I never know when we can go from having a wonderful time together to her struggling in pain again. 

God gave you your family. Enjoy some time together this weekend.

Do not allow opportunities to pass you by. Those opportunities are moments to make memories and it is those memories you will look back on and cherish one day. 

My Friend, enjoy your day together. 

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