Encouragement Today

I am going share a bit of hope to those who are struggling with the feeling of hopelessness.

My friend, let today be your day of awakening. Life may be hard and difficult at best, but do not be dismayed. There is the hope of a miracle just around the bend. Continue walking forward and have the faith in your heart that a miracle is about to happen. Continue to remain faithful and determined to get to the end. 

“The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens. Do not give up.”  Unknown Author 

If this is any comfort, the feeling of hopelessness has happened more times than I wish to count. Take comfort in seeing the truth in this phrase, “It is always darkest before the dawn.” 

My friend, keep your chin up because this journey will get easier. God sees what you are going through and has promised to never forsake you. No matter how difficult the road is, rest in the peace that you are never alone.

There is a song by Group 1 Crew which sums up how I live by giving me hope everyday when I feel like I can not take one more step forward. It reminds me I will get through whatever the burden is. It gives me hope that, “God may let me bend, but He won’t let me break.” The key to this song is that God doesn’t promise to not give us problems, but He does promise to never let us break. Remember this verse in the song…

“Who you are ain’t what you’re going through
So don’t let it get the best of you
Cause God knows everything you need
So you ain’t gotta worry
You may be knocked down now
But just believe what He said, He said”

Group 1 Crew

Another sweet reminder is this, you are not the greatest of your problems. Do not fall in the trap of believing they are what define you, because they are not.You are who you are because God created you, therefore rememeber you are not the manifestation of your crisis or your circumstances. 

Here is a link to this amazing song.  Play it in the car and turn it up as loud as you can tolerate so the words absorb into your heart and soak into your soul. Click on this link for Group 1 Crew – He Said 

Wait on the Hope, my friend, the end is just around the bend in the road. Do not give up now.You only have to go a little bit farther and your miracle will come in the end.